Monday, October 13, 2014

Marriage life after a month :)

Assalammualaikum wbt friends,
Hey friends im married now.. Alhamdulillah, just got married to a very nice husband 1 month ago..
Nadirah just want let out my opinions, might be from my feelings, might be just an idea..
It's about after marriage life..

Have you come across to when before you get married, someone or people would suddenly said, "Are you sure you are ready to get married?" might be asking twice or many times.. and you just go, "HUH!?" (in the head thinking, why ask such questions)

ALLAH SWT most merciful, most loving and ALLAH gave us so many stories in life. Throughout those path of life you learn, to be a much better person. We as humans would do tremendous wrongs in life. Things that ALLAH SWT hate, that ALLAH SWT forbid us to do, but we do it ouh so well because we are not aware of the consequences when ALLAH specifically written it in the Quran ouh so many times.

Yes i am a woman, whom just got up from all the wrong doings in the pasts. Who is not as perfect as Siti Aishah, Siti Khadijah, Maryam, Siti Fatimah, Aisyah and more islam woman. But i am trying to get up slowly in a fast pace of life, why i need to get up now?? it is because time waits for no woman, while the door of ALLAH forgiveness is still open, get up quickly and make a change to your life.

MasyaALLAH, i learn a lot after married, struggling to know your other half that quick is not as easy as we thought or as ABC. I admit, so many things i fail without realising, "OH, why do i do that?" where i come to a point it just hits me like a bulldozer crush me in the ground. "Why do this happen?" (i said to myself).

This afternoon, i went lunch with my girl friends. As i listen to their conversations, one by one come out about the story of a marriage life. I listen, trying to relate to their stories and advices with whatever i have encounter now. As i listen, last conversation i said, "Why didnt you guys tell me this are the things i have to prepare!!" But then my friend said, "because we don't hangout with married people that much, last time" Oh my goodness....

But to know what is marriage life is, you must be in the situation rather than listening about it.. Im trying to make myself as perfect as i can be for my husband. Im hoping trials after trials is just to make us much more stronger than as it is now... Let me say, marriage is not something you can play with, my advice is to get married with someone that really love as much more than we us girls do.. 

Perhaps, before you married, try testing our husband-to-be exactly, how, we really are... so that he will not get shocked to see us from another side of who we really are... so i dont think i have much to say here... just be prepared for those who are planning to get married.. Life gets difficult when nothing in the relationship are truthful and without love and care... 

Nadirah Mior