Thursday, June 18, 2009

Are you that GUY!!??

How to find the right guy???

find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

who calls you back when you hang up on him...

who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat...

will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

wait for the boy who kisses your forehead...

who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats...

who holds your hand in front of his friends...

who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on...

One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you....

The one who turns to his friends and says, "that's her" ....

Monday, June 15, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You Movie

Recently, i watched this movie called "he's just not that into you". Foremost, this movie is very good in giving information and advices to girls out there especially in order to find real guy that loves you or really like you. Well, it does relates to me a lot. I have experience love since i was 15 years old and from there it did not stop. From one guy to another. But to find a real love that was the hardest. My first real love happens when i was 19 years old. But before i was with this true love guy, i was the kind of girl that always dated with guys and the next day i will wait on the phone, hoping that the guy would call me.. If he does not call me, i will call him and it ends up my dad to scold me because of the phone bills i made was up to RM1000.. i was crazy, eager to have love and be love by a guy.. Which now i think it is so stupid to do that, i guess i have learn my lessons from all of my mistakes. My advice, if he did not call, don't hesitate to throw away the phone number because it means that HE'S JUST THAT INTO YOU.. hehehehe i hate the part whenever i went for dates, i would be the kind that talks a lot and the other person would just sit there and listen and when i ask questions he will just say one word and i ask again one answer again.. OMG.. guys if he is like that meaning HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU.. hish this movie really shows and relate what true life is (i hope the guys wont be mad for me saying this) :)

Luckily, i have also met guys that give some feedbacks after a date. hehe.. But to gain back love is not that easy. So because of that i have to go with the flow and get to know them first, to have a real relationship that you want to last forever does not need to always be in a hurry. If we were meant to be together, for million years in love also never fades hehehe *yeah right* If were meant to be together, dont worry you will get married soon. So take it easy.. GOD have plans for us.. Here is a trick if the relationship kinda sour, like i said if he comes back to you then meaning you were meant to be together, (i think i kept saying the same word here hehehe) so you girls have to make it sweeter again. Then the relationship became more balance with *sweet and sour* hahaha... Give a credit to the guy cause he came back because he knows he hate losing you. ok i am blabbing too much..

But wait....

How bout guys that are called as jerks.. why do i say this, because sometimes girls you need to be careful.. There are guys who wants us, just because they want to take advantage of us. You have to be tough and think wisely on every actions. Dont be too weak, if he tries to do stupid and yucky things to you on the first date. He just want XXX babes... (18sx) hehe ok i think that's all from me for now.. i will keep updates ok.. i'll try and find out best tips for girls okie.. hehehe for guys.. probably maybe hehehehe... (if you have the chance go and watch this movie above here, you might learn a lot about relationships here)

xoxo (muah)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Are You The One.. Husband To Be


Are you my Super Man!!??
oh well every girl have their own likes in a guy they wanted...

so basically '10' criteria in a guy that i wanted are..................

1. loves graphic arts and loves photography

2. i want older and taller guys because i like tall and matured guys... (what i mean old is about 2 to 6 years older than me)

3. loves to eat (all sorts of cuisines like asian, western and so on) but at the same time have nice figure... hehehe (nice figure meaning not like a model figure but just nice to see)

4. can speak fluently in bahasa melayu and english

5. loves me for who i am

6. romantic (i mean do something that i wont expecting and no need to be expensive as long as i am happy)

7. really honest in everything and loves to talk

8. not sooo serious at times so that we can share laughter all the time hehehe...

9. someone that i feel safe to be with.. so i can cuddled and be pampered with hehehe....

10. easy to with my family and friends.. and have future planning haha...