Saturday, October 26, 2013

Aku Terima Nikah Dia dengan.... ~Hantaran~

Assalammualaikum WBT Friends,
Today, Nadirah nak cerita pasal hantaran, because a lot of things happen and i heard a lot of stories dealing with the story of 'Duit Hantaran' and i myself have experience a lot in this matter.. 

Recently a guy told me, if i were going to nikah a girl i would prefer a girl who terima cincin dan al-quran.. Because of what this guy told me.. immediately i asked my mum... "Mak kalau Si Lelaki ni nak meminang akak, mak terima tak sebuku Al-Quran dan sebentuk cincin?" and she accept it.. Immediately i wrote this on my facebook.. 
"Alhamdulillah, after had the talked with my mum yesterday, i felt relief knowing the acceptance of a ring and quran.. If it is meant to be ALLAH really made it easy and smooth for us.. insyaALLAH (benda baik takkan dibebankan, rezeki datang dari ALLAH, have faith and du'a for the best).. — feeling blessed."

Dengan dunia yang semakin dekat dengan akhir zaman ini, pelbagai dugaan datang terutama apabila kita lihat dan baca dalam akhbar dengan pelbagai isu mengenai pernikahan tak cukup duit, OVERBUDGET, pinjam ahlong, Kawen LARI dan macam macam.. Kita telah merumitkan benda senang dan baik menjadi sangat membebankan.. People get carried away with this kind of issue because we are exposed to the world of lavish.. Even to do a 'MAJLIS' nowadays it can reached to more than RM20'000 that is only for the sanding event.. Because of this guys out there scared and they feel a bit offended with this situation and always said they are NOT READY.. Nadirah ada beberapa story contoh yang dira penah experienced,

Dipinta hantaran wang RM10'000, bersamaan dengan serba satu (emas from head to toe), 7 dulang berbalaskan 5 dan MAS KAHWIN RM2000...... 

Dipinta hantaran wang RM15'000, Sebentuk emas cincin dan gelang.. Mas Kahwin ikut negeri, dulang 9 berbalas 7

Dipinta tidak meminta apa-apa hantaran, Sebentuk emas cincin (berbelas ribu ringgit).. Mas Kahwin ikut negeri, dulang 7 berbalas 5.. Tetapi membebankan ayah kerana perbelanjaan kenduri mencecah RM60'000

Jadi, dengan tiga case ni sahaja kita boleh lihat, this is what happening today.. Some people would say, if lelaki tu sanggup buat apa sahaja untuk teman dia it means that lelaki tu memang mahukan perempuan itu, kerana sayang dan cinta.. (kononnya) ehehhee...

Tetapi mengikut persepsi dira, jika benda ini terjadi pada dira, i wont go and ask that guy to FULFILL my needs.. Ia akan membebankan seseorang itu, membebankan orang itu bukan cara nadirah sebenar, i dont like to make it so complicated on a very simple and easy thing. Dan pada pandangan nadirah, jikalau lelaki tu terpaksa buat pinjaman just tuk kawen, takut nanti bila kawen dah nikah tak berkat rumahtangga nanti.. Lagi berat apabila, kawin tak sampai 5 tahun dah cerai, tetapi hutang pinjaman kahwin pun tak habes bayar, ini pulak nak bayar kes penceraian.. 

Ouh!!! believe me when i said, bercerai bukan perkara senang yang hanya setakat lafaz.. Kerana duit dan wang ringgit banyak pakai mencecah beribu ribu, dira tawu sebab dira penah berkawan dengan lelaki baru bercerai and i can see a lot of money used dengan denda nya lagi dengan wang lawyer lagi, wang ni dan wang itu... MACAM MACAM... Jadi bila kita sure itulah jodoh kita, cuba lah jauhi dari benda tak baik, walau apa pun masalah suami isteri cuba selesaikan dengan rasional, minta petunjuk ALLAH SWT dan selalu menpunyai sikap percaya dan memahami antara satu sama lain.. Okeh dah pegi bab kahwin berumah tangga plak.. heeee

Recently dira banyak baca buku-buku keagamaan, dira baca dari buku hadis Sahih Al-Bukhari, dalam buku 'THE BOOK OF NIKAH' ada hadis dalam Chapter 11. Menyatakan mengenai satu cerita, dira akan huraikan yew selepas cerita dari buku ini in english.. 

1845. Narrated Sahl Bin Sa'd R.A : A woman presented herself to the Prophet SAW (for marriage). A man said to him. "O ALLAH's Messenger! (If you are not in need of her) marry her to me." The Prophet SAW said, "What have you got?" The man said, "I have nothing." The Prophet SAW said (to him), "Go and search (for something) even if it were an iron ring." The men went and returned saying, "No, I have not found anything, not even an iron ring; but this is my waist-sheet, and half of it is for her." He had no (upper garment), the Prophet SAW said, "What will she do with your waist-sheet? if you wear it, she will have nothing over you." So the man sat down and when he had sat a long time, he got up (to leave). When the Prophet SAW saw him (leaving), he called him back, or the man was called (for him), and he said to the men, "How much of the Qur'an do you know (by heart)?" The men replied I know such Surah and such Surah (by heart)." naming the surah. The Prophet SAW said, "I have married her to you for what you know of the Qur'an."[7:54-O.B]

Jadi, disini terang-terang Rasulullah SAW, tanyakan lelaki ini, apa yang kau ada yang boleh kau berikan kepada perempuan ini, dan nampak lelaki ini, tidak ada apa apa melainkan kalimah suci surah surah ayat Qu'ran dengan itu lah nampaknya sesuatu yang boleh diberi, Rasulullah SAW nikahkan lelaki ini kerana ayat suci Al-Qur'an.. Surah surah suci Qur'an sudah cukup dan penuh dengan kekayaan, dengan membaca surah kita boleh sembuhkan penyakit, dengan surah kita boleh pinta rezeki dari ALLAH, dengan surah ternyata ia ilmu bagi kita, boleh melindungi diri dan keluarga kita, mungkin tidak kaya di dunia tapi ia cukup kaya untuk akhirat. 

Moreover, to conclude all this, i would say that, lebih baik jika seseorang yang bila hatinya disatukan, teruskan dalam pernikahan, untuk dielakkan dari ketelanjuran kata, perasaan dan hati.. Dan lebih elok janganlah bercouple.. Jauhkan dari semua itu, kalau nak couple pun selepas nikah laa yew kawan-kawan.. Yang HALAL tu lebih baik.. Lebih banyak ganjarannya.. 

Lastly, have trust and faith in ALLAH SWT.. Semoga apabila tiba masanya nanti mahu nikah, permudahkanlah segala urusan kita semua.. insyaALLAH ~Amin~ dan dira nak juga cerita betapa tidak sempurna nya dira untuk diberi beribu ribu ringgit just untuk dipinang.. Kalau kita ni sesempurna Siti Aisyah atau isteri isteri Nabi Muhammad SAW, tak lah malu untuk dipinta sesuatu.. Jadi, sebab itulah nadirah tidak suka untuk membebankan jodoh dira just untuk pinang dira, kerana pada dira, yang penting adalah selepas nikah, itulah masanya kita kena kongsi setiap rezeki kita, agar hidup bahagia sesama hingga ke jannah..

Ps : Sebulan sudah perkenalan kami, semoga ALLAH SWT permudahkan perjalanan kami ini.. ~Amin~

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Our First Meet.. (Semoga diredhai ALLAH SWT)

Assalammualaikum WBT, 
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kawan kawan... Nadirah nak cepat-cepat update cerita yang berlaku pagi tadi.. Kerana ia seperti tidak dapat dibayangkan keputusan Dia untuk berjumpa mak and bak dira pada hari yang mulia ini.. Hari raya Qurban dimana Nabi Ibrahim A.S berkurban demi anak kesayangan dia kerana suruhan ALLAH SWT.. Kiranya hari kami berjumpa bagaikan hari pengorbanan untuk benda yang baik.. insyaALLAH.. Semua yang kita lakukan di dunia ini ada sebab dan hikmahnya.. Semuanya datang dari ALLAH SWT.. Aku bersyukur kehadrat Ilahi apabila Dia kata hendak berjumpa dan berkenalan dengan ahli keluargaku pada hari ini...

Selepas solat aidiladha, aku dan mak mempersiapkan juadah makanan dan menyediakan tempat makan pada pagi tadi.. Aku terasa gementar, malu dan gembira untuk menanti Dia sampai ke rumah ku.. Hanya ALLAH SWT sahaja tahu bagaimana perasaan aku pagi tadi.. Setiba sahaja telephone dari Aizol aku terus dapat agak dia dah sampai rumah aku.. Aku terus masuk ke dapur dan bersembunyi di bilik kecil di belakang dapur bagaikan takut dan malu sangat.. Dia pun masuk rumah dan bak dan mak pula menyambut dia datang masuk dan mereka duduk di hadapan (ruang tamu) bak pun mula bertanya beberapa soalan dan mereka pun gelak kecil dan bak bawa mereka ke tempat meja makan.. Ketika itu aku hanya duduk di dapur sampai laaa mak kata, "Hah ni laa Nadirah" aku pun tersenyum malu, memandang bawah dan memandang sikit ke arah Dia dan sepupu Dia lalu berkata, "Assalammualaikum" dan terus kedapur.. Mereka pun senyum dan duduk semula... 

Mereka semua makan makanan raya pagi tuh, smua juadah mak masak dan di tolong oleh aku.. Mak masak masakan jawa johorean.. hehehehe.. Sambil mereka makan bersama mak dan bak, mereka pun berkenalan, berborak, share stories dan macam macam lagi.. Aku pula perhatikan dari belakang Dia sahaja.. Luckily dorang duduk berbelakangkan dapur, so at least dira can diri kat dapur and perhatikan the whole thing heee

Selepas mereka semua habes makan and the conversation just keep going, suddenly, bak call me up, bak cakap, "Kakak ambil kerusi duduk sebelah bak ni"... At first i dont want to, when bak call me up twice immendiately i took a chair dan duduk sebelah bak, memang sangat malu because he was in front of my father... Memang tak duduk senang laaa namanya, in my heart was feeling like i need to get up and just stay at dapur jew heeee... But i did, duduk hanya beberapa minit dan aku pun terus bangun and terus ke dapur...

Mak pun cakap kat bak asked to bawa Dia ke dessert table.. So sambil mak buat teh, dira pun kemas pinggan dorang makan tadi, and basuh pinggan.. Semasa nak kemas, Dia masih duduk di main table, so dengan rasa gementar dan malu dira ask, "Boleh dira ambil pinggan, nak basuh".. (tak pandang straight to the eye.. heee malu!!) Dia pun cakap, "ouh ok terima kasih" and i too said, "terima kasih" Cehhhh wahhh... hehehe

Lama juga dira kat dapur, i just feel so shy.. so dira pegi depan pintu, pusing-pusing, jalan masuk dapur diri jew and then said to myself, takpe laa pegi je laaa duduk depan.. So dira pun duduk depan TV while my father at the dessert table dengan Dia and his cousin makan mango cake heee... Bak and mak asked me to sit at the dessert table but i said, "It's ok, akak tak nak".. I felt so embarass bila bak tunjuk my picture masa kecik kecik pegi Australia.. Ya ALLAH aku cakap kat bak, "Bakkkkkkk.... Makkkkkkkk...."... Tapi nak buat macam mana my parents they are more modern.. But what can i do, i just can call them with nada suara agak tegas... Ouh well, aku hanya mampu berdoa agar ALLAH SWT berikan hidayah kepada bak and mak aku sahaja.. Kita semua tak sempurna, dengan hidayah ALLAH insyaALLAH dapat menguatkan mak dan bak aku untuk berada dalam kehidupan yang lebih diredhai ALLAH SWT... insyaALLAH :)

Tetapi walau macam mana pun, i can see mak dan bak are very happy. Pada mereka tak pernah lelaki yang datang kenal mak dan bak, that intelligent.. Pada mereka, Aizol ni baik dan pasti boleh menjaga anak dia dan bimbing anak dia di dunia dan akhirat.. Apabila, tiba masanya selesai sahaja mereka berkenalan buat kali pertama, Dia pun meminta izin pulang.. Sebelum mereka pulang, adik aku Shahirah, mengajak untuk ambil gambar kami smua together.. I feel shy and i was happy to be in that situation. Aku bersyukur yang ALLAH SWT kenalkan aku dengan lelaki yang aku perlu.. ALLAH gives us someone that we need, not what we want... kerana ALLAH SWT lebih MAHA Mengetahui.. Perjumpaan kami pada hari ini, diakhiri dengan baik... ALHAMDULILLAH... Semoga inilah yang terbaik untuk KAMI semua.. insyaALLAH ~amin~

Doa ku sentiasa supaya ALLAH SWT merahmati hubungan kami agar kami dapat bernikah hingga ke Jannah.. Seandainya kami tidak dijodohkan itu semua ketentuan ALLAH SWT... Aizol mahukan kami simpan perasaan kami, hanya boleh luahkan apabila kami SAH dinikahi.. Ia seperti 'Bercinta selepas Nikah'..
Walau bagaimanapun, perasaan SUKE itu dah ada... Aku akan sentiasa berdoa yang terbaik buat KAMI... Semoga Dialah jodoh ku insyaALLAH... ~Amin~

Nadirah Mior 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Merintih Kisah Lama yang telah Terubat...

Assalammualaikum WBT friends..
Nadirah would like to share about something that happen today...

How i felt the mercy of ALLAH in helping me in that situation..
Setelah berkenalan dengan seseorang ini, hatiku seolah-olah tertutup untuk menerima mana-mana lelaki lain..
Ini kerana, he made me SMILE...

Today, nadirah i clean up my room sebelum Hari Raya Aidiladha, dira tukar langsir, kemas bilik and change the bed & pillow covers. First of all kenapa kemas bagai nak rak adalah sebab ada orang nak datang rumah for the first time, walaupun dira tahu dia tak akan naik atas, tapi the excitement yang membuat dira bersungguh-sungguh sangat ni nak kemas bilik..

Tadi, setelah siap kemas bilik, nadirah kemas my meja solek, and i threw away a lot of stuffs my old eye shadows, old lipsticks, old lotion and until i saw this ring box given by 'Gg' for my birthday a few years ago.. I open the box slowly and suddenly i felt like a thorn stabbed my chest.. 

It was so painful, i close the box and go straight away to my mum's room, and said to mak, "Mak can you take this and do whatever you want with it mak.." then mak open the ring box and asked, "who gave this to you?" i said, "Gg on my 25th birthday, that is white gold ring mak.. You can take it and do anything with it" and my eyes was tearing with water, my mum look at me with a sympathy look at her face and i immidiaely close the door of my mum's room and went into my room.. I close the door of my room and CRIED OUT LOUD for a moment... and suddenly ... Bipp Bipp.... (a whatssap msg's)

It was He, it was Aizol texting me up asking, "Awak saya dah habes pegi solat jumaat" and immediately my face turn into a cry baby face to a big SMILE.. i replied his text, "Alhamdulillah, apa yang diperkatakan khutbah hari ni?" and the text go on and on and on.. My heart feels relief, i feel happy and i stop text Aizol and i just feel something in my heart... Aku rasa YA ALLAH SWT bersyukur nye aku YA ALLAH, terima kasih ALLAH kerana dapat memberi aku peluang untuk rasa HAPPY and dapat SENYUM semula... Aku buat terus ambil air solat, Solat Zohor dan buat SUJUD SYUKUR and berdoa YA ALLAH....................... (Aku dah bersedia untuk buang my pasts)

Aku bersyukur dapat mengenali DIA ya ALLAH.. Jika betul dia lah jodohku, dia yang terbaik untuk dunia dan akhirat ku, semoga kau permudahkan perkenalan pertama kami nanti YA ALLAH... Amin~

From me,
Nadirah Mior

Saturday, October 5, 2013

ALLAH LOVES YOU MORE (This is my hijab story)

Salam / Hi Friends,
Nadirah feels very happy to share with you guys about my story.. The story when i know ALLAH truly loves us and helps us whenever we lost our life sense of direction.. I'm bless with family and cousins to help me up and being so supportive.. Always remember we must love ALLAH SWT first and then our parents and family, and then the rest list go on.. But never stop feeling LOVE..

A friend ask me, "Nadirah how did you change? When did the hidayah comes to you"
Truthfully, i had my passed stories, i was a spoiledbrat that sometimes i do bad things behind people, behind my parents and i tell lies a lot of times.. I did it to make myself feel good.. I think the influeces of friends i followed who made me do all that, so that i could join them.. I never thought of ALLAH that time, my heart feels dark inside but people see bright outside.. That is why my mum said, "Kakak have her own world, sometimes i dont know what is she thinking about".. (i was a very quiet girl during my teen times, i dont share things with my mum, but i always share my stories to my friends and cousin nabie, yaya and yah)..

I started to change when, i was with my ex boyfriend 'Gg'.. I didn't change because of him, but i change to wear my hijab because of ALLAH... Before bulan ramadhan tahun 2010, dira started to have dreams, i was dreaming about 'THE JUDGEMENT DAY'.. The day when 'Permulaan Hari Kiamat', the feeling of it, was very scary. In the dream, i was with my family, as we were somewhere i can't remember where but we were having a family time together. Suddenly, the world shaking, the floor starts to break, suddenly the wind was breezy, and suddenly i saw a tornado pulling out all houses, cars, animals, people and almost everything and that is where at that point i see my family was drag into the air, i shouted and crying and was very scared i wanted to save myself but i know this is real. As i was in the tornado, i saw volcanos and fire and hot air coming out from the ground. It happen so fast, and i said to myself, "Sudahkah aku bertaubat, boleh ke ALLAH terima apa yang aku sudah buat selama ni, boleh ke aku masuk syurga, amalan ku cukup atau tidak?" 

and i immediately WOKE UP....!! i was shaking, my heart was pumping really fast and i stop and think, what did i just gona thru just now?? so it was subuh already, so i took air wuduk and solat subuh.. and ask, "Ya ALLAH what have just happen? are you showing me a sign that i need to start changing myself?"

The next night, i slept and dreamed again, and this time the same thing happen.... I still ask what should i do.. "What am i going to do ALLAH??"

The next night, dira slept and dreamed, i was somewhere in Australia, i don't know why i was there, but i am there at that time. As i was walking at this park, i saw a bridge, i saw fire, so i walked and i wanted to see why everybody was there, what are they doing?... i runnnnn and stopppp.. i saw all this Mat Salleh, throwing Al-Quran Nul Karim was burned, throwing on the floor and i saw a translation quran, i said to myself, "WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Aku tak sempat nak paham ayat ayat dalam quran, ruginye apa dorang ni buat?" The fire was beginning to be more bigger and bigger.. i was in shocked and i wanted to cry and i felt so mad.. "I want that Quran!!"
but then i immediately WAKE UP...!! terus ambil wuduk and solat taubat..
I kept all this to myself, until i told my friend, i want to change.. She said that is good, Alhamdulillah, starting bulan Ramadhan, i start wearing tudung to office. People asking, why nadirah wear the tudung.. My Chinese boss said, why?? i said, "It's already my time to change, ALLAH gave me hidayah to change, and i am sticking with it"..

Dugaan banyak aku tempuhi semasa pakai tudung, at that time my bf secrets reveal, messages about me and my family, the betrayal he did to us and the all lies he said to me behind me and my family's back.. i thanked to ALLAH for letting one of his ex gf to text me and said, "You need to read his texts with his kakak ipar".. That story you can actually read it here, ( But that is done between us, my money dia hutang and kipas my mum with him, my father ask me to halalkan je semua, because my father said, tak baik kita ungkit benda tu, yang lepas biarkan dah lepas.. hehehe.. (Wise dad)

But then i know, i am bless that ALLAH really wants me to change.. May ALLAH grant me paradise, but im so faraway to see it, but i'll try make a better person for my future di dunia and akhirat... My first hijab, my cousins was suprised to see my picture and they said ALHAMDULILLAH.. My first hijab, i don't wore it properly, still can see my dada, still can see my hands (tidak tutup aurat betul betul) and still nampak kaki.. But i make sure i will not feel bored wearing hijab.. I start create my own style so that i feel much more comfortable with what i am wearing.. I start to love skirts and vintage dresses that i bought at kedai tepi tepi kat tesco, giant or pre love items at fashion bazzar.. Price a dress from RM5 to RM25.. (One good thing about me is that, i love to wear inexpensive dresses that look fashionable and expensive)

One of my cousin, loves to advice me on wearing hijab and the right way to cover aurat, what is correct and what is not, i went to ceramah events about "Menutup Aurat Sebenar" and from there i learn, i read books, i love to see muslimah fashions and all.. From time to time i progress and i keep creating my own style of hijab and clothing.. I do have followers and i do sometimes give consultation to people who wants to start wearing hijab and dont know how to style it especially girls with curves and nowadays, my cousin is selling hijabs so we do sometimes discuss on how do i wore my hijab and i'll be her model at the same time hehehe.. pretty awesome actually.. 

Vintage dresses beli at the price from RM5-RM25

I have one good advice...
If you have lots of problems before, you feel negatives at everything, you were being naughty and couldn't feel any luck at anything!! Try and see yourself in the mirror, look at you, what can you see something wrong in front there? are u a good person or are u a bad person? Ask yourself.. Keep asking and asking.. ALLAH will be there to answer it, ALLAH can show you the right way to take, but you have to trust HIM.. 

The first step to feel great, feel positive and have lucks in wanting something is to CHANGE how you present to ALLAH.. Not to people, society and not to a guy.. When the first step is done, eventually your heart will feel good, try and LOVE yourself then... The second step is to, not forgotten ALLAH, always make sure you do 5 times prayer everyday, WAJIB tau.. hehe If you could try, berpuasa sunat tu pun bagus, because it will purify your heart and you will learn to be more patient and more humble.. If you do all this, you will sure be a much better person.. When you encounter problems, depress or loneliness, dont keep it to yourself, go and share it with ALLAH, your mum, dad, cousin or bestfriend. You might get more advices and you'll learn more from them.. They might said good things that you can think about and eventually the feeling would be clear and you be HAPPY!! hehehe..

InsyaALLAH, every single thing you did in your passed, you will understand and it is always Ujian dari ALLAH.. And insyaALLAH rezeki pun bertambah, semua orang pun senang dengan kita and kawan kawan pun suke kita.. hehehe

BERHIJAB AND MENUTUP AURAT TIDAK AKAN NAMPAKKAN KITA TUA, LAGI NAMPAK MUDA, LAGI NAMPAK AYU and MANIS hehehe You have to love what you wear and know how to style it in a correct MUSLIMAH ISLAM.. (I said this because a lot of girls i consult, they dont have confidence and they said dengan chubby figures and pakai tudung nampakkan dorang mcm makcik makcik) Alaaaa jangan cakap macam tu... Belum cuba belom tawu.. Dira dah cube and orang kata dira nampak muda hehehe :) so dira doakan semua adik adik, kakak kakak and abang abang.. Kalau korang rasa rezeki tak sampai sampai lagi, cuba tengok diri korang, apa silapnye disitu, dah dapat jawapan cuba betolkan diri and tawakal pada ALLAH.. ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH.. ALLAH MAHA MENYAYANGI, ALLAH MAHA ESA.. Doa dan minta laa petunjuk.. 

Ok itu lah ceritanya kisah silam and kisah hijab dira...
Hope dira dapat membantu you guys out there... Terjawab laa soalan rakan kita nieh hehe :)
Happy Weekends... 

PS : Girls, pakai tudung tutup laaa dada kamo, pakai socks and lengan panjang (ikot laaa cara ni, selagi masih boleh nampak kaki kamo and tangan / bahu, belom lagi tutup aurat sebenar, if u want to change make it right with progress) May ALLAH bless all of you.. :)

My Daily Routine (This is my life)

Salam / Hi Friends, 
Recently, dira open a status saying, if you have a questions anything about me.. I would like to share about me with you guys.. So far so good, i receive a few of good questions and some i would feel that is not relevant for me to answer them hehehe.... :)

I love one question asking, WHAT ARE MY DAILY ROUTINES?...

Ouh well, for a person to keep the same daily routines, it would be a bit boring.. You have to fill your life with things to do.. Dont get bored with life or you look older faster hehehe... Always keep a smile and be happy with life with people you love (parents, siblings, cousins, babies or friends).. And i can assure even you are 27 (that would be my exact age now) you look like 17 years old (bwahaha, some people said) see, you look like 10 years younger if you keep up smiling ouh wowwww!! hehehe isn't that amazing lalalalala....

Ok... Right now dira is still un-employed, maybe after i got back from my holidays i would be ready to work again.. So, my daily routines start with Solat Subuh, i woke up, go to the toilet and brush my teeth and wash my face (Sabun Beras jew, i dont use expensive face wash, because the minute i wore them nanti keluar pimples, nak play safe i use sabun beras je, heeee).. ok, then dira ambil air wuduk and solat subuh.. Pastu either kemas katil or trus bangun or baring and snuggle in the blanket or pegi buat breakfast (but recently i've been texting with this someone hehe, before doing all those) and then i get and go the gym or swimming workout.. That would be my morning routines...

In the afternoon and evening, if weekdays,  i sits at home do some internet business, read books, cook, wash clothes or went out with my mum or sister.. If weekends, is either go out with my cousins or my parents, at home cooking, watch TV, movies DVD, wash clothes, tidying up the house or read books).. Sometimes i love art i would do doodle on paper or on my face.. (like in the images) and sometimes i like to take pictures.. This is why you need to create your life exciting.. For me exciting, satisfying is singing.. I love to sing so much, tapi sebagai perempuan Islam dont be artist (dosa tau).. Dira tawu i have my pasts, last time i was with a band, i was in the R&B singing group, i went to lots of singing and vocal competition in the universities. But i stop publicly singing when i wore my hijab on.. So i sing at home, in the car or in the toilet (while taking my bath) bwahahaha... and dont forget, kita diwajibkan solat, so zohor for afternoon and evening for solat asar.. heee

Let me tell you about the doodle i make up here, this is actually for my birthday, i made it myself.. you can see the word "My Birthday", "14 February 1986", Cupcakes, A Cake, A candle, Love, Flowers, "I love U".. This was made for my 26th Years Old celebration.. hehe
Ok, get back to my story, at night, after solat maghrib i can be hanging out or karaoke with my cousins, or family gathering (weekends), movies, read books, dinner, and so on.. 
You guys com'on, i have normal life like everybody does.. nothing is so different with any other normal people do hehehe.. If i was working, my life is really devoted to my work.. My working hours, usually 8.30am till 6pm (but most of the time i have to do overtime, so i would either go back at 10pm or 12am.. Working with the printing industry, 24 hours production runs, extra work time always need to be consider.. i'm not too sure what will happen if i get married.. then i need to find a job that are relevant to the time to my husband and kids.. That is something to be discuss once i have a job and once i have a husband hehehe....
Ouh well this is all from me.. i cherish my time with everybody i love... and basically i love everybody hehehe..

So whatever you do in life, live your life to the fullest.. 
Spend with people you love is so worth it.. Stay healthy because u want to spend with people you love a bit more longer... Keep doing exercise and eat right.. Love you guys.. xoxo

Friday, October 4, 2013

You Make Me Happy (Just The Way You Are)

I have experience this a lot, since way back a few years ago until now.. 
and after knowing a lot of guys, most of them do the talk like trying to impress me...
but i dont want that.. 
Girls, pay attention, when guys acts to impress you or you have to impress guys, that will never work after you are in a relationship with them because nobody can ever do the same impression trying to impress the other person forever. (this can also be vise versa, it could be the guy or girl trying to impress each other) BWAHAHAHA... These kind of relationship never ends well.. Trust me, because i know (been there, experience it) hehehe. A happy relationship has always been true to yourself, just be the way you are. When you be yourself there must be a guy that really likes you for who you are, from the first he met you till jannah and that is the person you want to be forever always..

Let me tell you my recent story...

For now i could say that, im always happy after knowing this one person. Never met, but it was not a problem for me. That is weird actually because im always the kind of person who meets guys outside and get to know them slowly.. Look at how they would reacts when seeing me face to face, see how judgemental they can be about me (sometimes they do that, like asking how big is your buttocks, why are u wearing too much makeup, why do you have dry skin, why this and why that) But for this one person, we click instantly, and very fast. I just know him for few weeks ago but i felt like i knew him for years. The way he chat with me is like, saying "i dont care how you look like, i dont care whether you have dry or oily face and so on.. I just want to know the real you" and of course our first conversations started with "i want to be truthful to you" he said...

Isn't that sweet.. He is, i kept saying it all over and over again to him... bwahahaha.. Can you imagine, i told one of my cousins this evening, who is staying in Johor right now, and she said, she cried reading the story of how i felt about this guy.. She can see that it seems like im more happy than last time.. My dearest cousin have been with me from the past relationship stories i had and how it always dosen't work and after hearing this story 'She Cried' i guess she is happy for me.. Even we dont know what lies for our future coming, but the feeling felt different.. It feels sincerity, it feels pure and it feels wonderful.. (This feelings only can exist created by our creator ALLAH SWT) Im thankful to ALLAH to get to know him.. A very easy going first knowing.. I can see he dont have to impress me at all, just being who he really is made me feel great.

I've been doing istikhara prayers, but at the same time i read books about this pray and consult my cousin for advices (my cousin who knows about islamic studies much better than me hehe, of course). She said, doing this prayer, can either lead to whether you receive it in your dream or if you dont have any dream comes, but you can actually see the instinct both feels for each other.. And then later this evening, my friend chat with me, she said "how are you? how is life?" i said "everything is good alhamdulillah", and i told her about this prayer. She said, "ouh yeah, i did it once" then i said, "really what happen?" she said she didnt have any dream or anything but she said, "whatever you are feeling now is not what we created, it is all done by ALLAH SWT.. If the road you are taking now, you both feels at ease and very calm, both parents are OK with what your desicisions are, you instantly know that this is your Jodoh.. and that is what happen to me and happily married with a new born baby"..

So, for now is just Dua' to ALLAH SWT, if he truly your jodoh, permudahkan jalan kami untuk bernikah, if he is not then jauhkan lah kami.. hehehe... Tapi so far we always have good agreements.. never had disagreements.. hehehe I like it when he said things i could really listen and do it.. I can see both good at supporting each other.. insyaALLAH, we have faith in ALLAH SWT..

Ok for now, my advice if he /she makes u happy and always smiling, then that person should be the person you spend time with or grow old with... If you can see he / she is trying to impress you or you have to impress them, then dont do it, it will never lasted for long.. Good luck friends.. XOXO muah hehehe

ALLAH knows BEST for us because ALLAH is the CREATOR.. Maha penentu, Maha mencipta, Maha Esa!!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10 tanda dia adalah jodoh kita.. (Ambil dari semanis kurma)

Jodoh adalah perkara yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Allah yang maha Esa. Tetapi bagaimana kita mengetahui dia memang ditakdirkan untuk kita? Allah SWT mengurniakan manusia telinga untuk mendengar, mata untuk melihat dan akal untuk berfikir. Jadi gunakan sebaik-baiknya bagi mengungkapkan rahsia cinta yang ditakdirkan. Dua manusia yang rasa mereka dapat hidup bersama dan memang dijodohkan pasti memiliki ikatan emosi , spiritual dan fizikal antara keduanya. Apabila bersama, masing-masing dapat merasai kemanisan cinta dan saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain. Lalu gerak hati mengatakan, dialah insan yang ditakdirkan untuk bersama. Benarkah ia seperti yang diperkatakan?
Berikut adalah 10 petanda yang menunjukkan dia adalah jodoh kita :
1. Bersahaja
Kekasih kita itu bersikap bersahaja dan tidak berlakon. Cuba perhatikan cara dia berpakaian, cara percakapan, cara ketawa serta cara makan dan minum. Adakah ia spontan dan tidak dikawal ataupun kelihatan pelik. Kalau ia nampak kurang selesa dengan gayanya, sah dia sedang berlakon. Kadang-kadang, kita dapat mengesan yang dia sedang berlakon. Tetapi, apabila dia tampil bersahaja dan tidak dibuat-buat, maka dia adalah calon hidup kita yang sesuai. Jika tidak, dia mungkin bukan jodoh kita.
2. Senang Bersama
Walaupun kita selalu bersamanya, tidak ada sedikit pun perasaan bosan, jemu ataupun tertekan pada diri kita. Semakin hari semakin sayang kepadanya. Kita sentiasa tenang, gembira dan dia menjadi pengubat kedukaan kita. Dia juga merasainya. Rasa senang sekali apabila bersama. Apabila berjauhan, terasa sedikit tekanan dan rasa ingin berjumpa dengannya. Tidak kira siang ataupun malam, ketiadaannya terasa sedikit kehilangan.

3. Terima Kita Seadanya
Apapun kisah silam yang pernah kita lakukan, dia tidak ambil peduli. Mungkin dia tahu perpisahan dengan bekas kekasihnya sebelum ini kita yang mulakan. Dia juga tidak mengambil kisah siapa kita sebelum ini. Yang penting, siapa kita sekarang. Biarpun dia tahu yang kita pernah mempunyai kekasih sebelumnya, dia tidak ambil hati langsung. Yang dia tahu, kita adalah miliknya kini. Dia juga sedia berkongsi kisah silamnya. Tidak perlu menyimpan rahsia apabila dia sudah bersedia menjadi pasangan hidup kita.
4. Sentiasa Jujur
Dia tidak kisah apa yang kita lakukan asalkan tidak menyalahi hukum hakam agama. Sikap jujur yang dipamerkan menarik hati kita. Kejujuran bukan perkara yang boleh dilakonkan. Kita dapat mengesyaki sesuatu apabila dia menipu kita. Selagi kejujuran bertakhta di hatinya, kebahagiaan menjadi milik kita.Apabila berjauhan, kejujuran menjadi faktor paling penting bagi suatu hubungan. Apabila dia tidak jujur, sukar baginya mengelak daripada berlaku curang kepada kita. Apabila dia jujur, semakin hangat lagi hubungan cinta kita. Kejujuran yang disulami dengan kesetiaan membuahkan percintaan yang sejati. Jadi, dialah sebaik-baik pilihan.
5. Percaya Mempercayai
Setiap orang mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Adakalanya rahsia ini perlu dikongsi supaya dapat mengurangkan beban yang ditanggung. Apabila kita mempunyai rahsia dan ingin memberitahu kekasih, adakah rahsia kita selamat di tangannya? Bagi mereka yang berjodoh, sifat saling percaya mempercayai antara satu sama lain timbul dari dalam hati nurani mereka. Mereka rasa selamat apabila memberitahu rahsia-rahsia kepada kekasihnya berbanding rakan-rakan yang lain. Satu lagi, kita tidak berahsia apa pun kepadanya dan kita pasti rahsia kita selamat. Bukti cinta sejati adalah melalui kepercayaan dan kejujuran. Bahagialah individu yang memperoleh kedua-duanya
6. Senang Bekerjasama
Bagi kita yang inginkan hubungan cinta berjaya dan kekal dalam jangka masa yang panjang, kita dan dia perlu saling bekerjasama melalui hidup ini. Kita dan kekasih perlu memberi kerjasama melakukan suatu perkara sama ada perkara remeh ataupun sukar. Segala kerja yang dilakukan perlulah ikhlas bagi membantu pasangan dan meringankan tugas masing-masing. Perkara paling penting, kita dan dia dapat melalui semua ini dengan melakukannya bersama-sama. Kita dan dia juga dapat melakukan semuanya tanpa memerlukan orang lain dan kita senang melakukannya bersama. Ini penting kerana ia mempengaruhi kehidupan kita pada masa hadapan. Jika tiada kerjasama, sukar bagi kita hidup bersamanya. Ini kerana, kita yang memikul beban tanggungjawab seratus peratus. Bukankah ini menyusahkan?
7. Memahami Diri Kita
Bagi pasangan yang berjodoh, dia mestilah memahami diri pasangannya. Semasa kita sakit dia bawa ke klinik. Semasa kita berduka, dia menjadi penghibur. Apabila kita mengalami kesusahan, dia menjadi pembantu. Di kala kita sedang berleter, dia menjadi pendengar. Dia selalu bersama kita dalam sebarang situasi. Tidak kira kita sedang gembira ataupun berduka, dia sentiasa ada untuk kita. Dia juga bersedia mengalami pasang surut dalam percintaan. Kata orang, "lidah sendiri lagikan tergigit", inikan pula suami isteri'. Pepatah ini juga sesuai bagi pasangan kekasih. Apabila dia sentiasa bersama kita melalui hidup ini di kala suka dan duka, di saat senang dan susah, dialah calon yang sesuai menjadi pasangan hidup kita
8. Tampilkan Kelemahan
Tiada siapa yang sempurna di dunia ini. Tipulah jika ada orang yang mengaku dia insan yang sempurna daripada segala sudut. Pasti di kalangan kita memiliki kelemahan dan keburukan tertentu. Bagi dia yang bersedia menjadi teman hidup kita, dia tidak terlalu menyimpan rahsia kelemahannya dan bersedia memberitahu kita. Sudah tentu bukan senang untuk memberitahu dan mengakui kelemahan di hadapan kekasihnya. Malah, dia tidak segan mempamerkan keburukannya kepada kita. Misalnya, apabila dia bangun tidur ataupun sakit dan tidak mandi dua hari, dia tidak menghalang kita daripada melawatnya.Apabila kita dan dia saling menerima kelemahan dan sifat buruk masing-masing, memang ditakdirkan kita hidup bersamanya
9. Kata Hati
Dengarlah kata hati. Kadangkala, manusia dikurniakan Allah deria keenam yang dapat mengetahui dan memahami perasaan pasangannya. Dengan deria batin ini juga kita dapat saling tahu perasaan masing-masing. Kita dan dia juga dapat membaca fikiran antara satu sama lain dan dapat menduga reaksi dan tindakbalas pada situasi tertentu. Apabila kita yakin dengan pilihan hidup kita, tanyalah sekali lagi. Adakah dia ditakdirkan untuk kita? Dengarlah kata hati dan buatlah pilihan. Serahlah segalanya pada ketentuan yang maha berkuasa.
10. Solat Istikharah dan Tawakkal
Jodoh dan pertemuan semuanya di tangan Allah SWT. Manusia hanya perancang di pentas dunia ini dan skripnya ditulis oleh yang maha esa. Adakalanya, dalam memainkan peranan sebagai pelakon, diberi petunjuk melalui mimpi atau gerak hati. Mimpi memang mainan tidur, tetapi apabila kita melakukan sembahyang Istikharah dan memohon supaya Allah memberikan petunjuk, insya-Allah dengan izinnya kita mendapat petunjukNya. Jika dia pilihan kita, buatlah keputusan sebaiknya. Jika tidak, tolaklah dia dengan baik. Semua yang kita lakukan ini adalah bagi mendapatkan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia. Setelah semuanya diusahakan, berserahlah kepadaNya dan terus berdoa. Ingatlah, nikmat di dunia ini hanya sementara.Nikmat di akhirat adalah kekal selamanya.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cerita *istikhara* [kisah benar]

Hello / Salam friends, 
Dira ada cerita, teringat semenjak hangat and hot dira buat solat istikharah, tapi kali ni, dira bukan nak cerita what i have experience.. 
Here it goes.. It started with a friend i knew, who are happily married to his wife.. His name is "Zr" (bukan nama sebenar).. He is very generous to share with me his stories that time.. I was 19 years old, still with nizam (ex-bf now).. 

Zr said, he was happily couple with this girl, where he met during school time.. They become so close, that made them to a serious relationship, love was always in the air.. Sweet memories is always in the heart.. They went any place, everywhere and anywhere together.. Experienced, sad, sour and happy times together.. Until both enroll in one of local Malaysian university.. 

Zr and gf that time, finish studies and excel in their studies, and came along job opportunity.. After few months working, he decided to take their relationship further and more serious, they both get engaged.. Alhamdulillah everyting turns out very well.. 
Everything was easy breezy in their relationship until he and she starts to have career.. 
She have new friends, social life was just starting, she is working in an event company, so she mingles with a lot of people.. Zr was working with graphic company.. When you go to work, it is never the same when you have to focus relationship and career.. Zr never have doubts about his fiancé.. He never knew that they have any problems.. 
Until one day, Zr mother went shopping at a shopping mall, and she runs into Zr's fiancé with a guy, she was holding this guys' hands tightly.. On that spot the soon to be mother in law, was shocked at what she just saw.. She approached the girl..
M: "apa dah berlaku ni A?"
A: "ermm, sorry mama.. Ni tak de pape kami kawan je.."
M: "you dont need to explain this to me, but my son.. Salam.."

She immediately call Her son cellphone and tell him what just happen, as a mother, she was devastated from what she just saw.. She was very mad and couldn't believe this would happen to her son..

Zr was shocked to hear, what his mum said.. Zr is not the kind of guy who would be mad or temper for all of the sudden.. He immediately, shut down with his fiancé.. He didnt call her up and didnt even wants to see her.. 

Itu lah mulanye solat istikharah tiap malam, he needs answers before he see's her to confront and settle the problem..

Every night without fail, he ask ALLAH for help.. A week after that, as he was sleeping, he saw something in his dreams.. 

In this dream, he saw, he was walking in a park but in the park there's a lot of smashed glasses at the sides at the pathway, he walk and walk slowly, thinking what does this going to lead him!? Suddenly, he saw a bench beside a big tree, then he approached that girl, he touched her and then all light he could see a girl in front of him, smiling to him, and i was SHE.. The girl he falls in love all along for years and years.. Smiling at him wearing all white.. 

He immediately woke up....
Straight away he knew inilah petanda yang dia cari...

He called his fiancé to meet up, then he told his mum what he should do.. And he said whatever he is facing is just a dugaan ALLAH beri.. After pleasing his mum and discussing, she said, "ini life anak mama, jika itu yang terbaik bagi kau, pergi laa settlekan masalah ni".. 

So Zr met her, he didn't say anything at first, she explains that sometimes she was lonely and this guy came everyday to the office, then they click, but it was all a flirt, because she loves only Zr..  

Zr take his fingers, and tutup mulut A.. She was crying, so Zr lap the airmata using a tissue in his pocket.. 

Zr said, "biar benda yang lepas tu lepaskan sahaja, Zr nak nikah A and jadikan isteri yang sah, bertahun kita berkawan and cinta kita tak pernah pudar, memang apa A buat tu dah salah, tapi itu smua dugaan yang kita perlu hadapi, suatu hari nanti dengan kesabaran kita, ALLAH akan beri kita kebahagiaan".. 

'A' nodded and said im sorry and i will never do that again.. 

And so on as life passes by, they got married.. Now Happily married with babies.. Hehehe 

The End..

Ps: so what do u guys thinks about this story, do leave a comment.. Maybe we can share thoughts and advices.. Happy reading friends 

Cari Jodoh Malaysia Craze!!!

Salam / Hi Friends,

Dira really want to say sorry, that i have to delete my old blog for the sake of my pasts. My pasts has never been good, but it does gave me strength to persevere to be a better person now... I am thanking ALLAH for making my life a bit difficult, because from my pasts i learn the value of life, relationship and love.

Two years after that...

For so long dira tak menulis, dira ada cerita best... I have encounter a lot recently, dira start cerita ni dengan satu video dira watched early this year, it was about the story of how muslim living in London, dapat Jodoh mereka. Ada 3 case dalam documentary ni, case pertama, this girl, family hanya percaya untuk dapat jodoh, parents yang akan carikkan, so what happen was, they call this muslim agency to match with any single guys who are looking for a mate... (zaman dulu dulu style, heeee). Then case number 2, menceritakan tentang lelaki yang high educated, ada masters ke PHD (something like that), untuk dia sangat susah because he is a practise muslim yang tak pernah couple atau ada gf. Tapi cara dia plak, dia pergi ke Muslim centre, where they make events so that all muslim woman and man got to know each other, mana yang dorang suka, akan dibawa ke perjumpaan privately dengan parents perempuan. Then case number 3, is about a woman working as a doctor, who is early 30's and still havent found her jodoh, for her because she is a highly educated woman, she often dosen't satisfied with the man she dated, she tried a lot of things, but still tak jumpe.. (this is what we call, lelaki takot nak dekat sebab tak sama taraf). 

In the end, what i learn was all of them tried... I use to hear that OLD PEOPLE said, "kalau tak usaha macam mana nak dapat" so as i was figuring this thing out, i went to search this one site, Cari Jodoh site.. But this place is so difficult and you have to pay a bit expensive money.. in order someone to message you, and you can reply... i did tried, but i use a basic account, the basic account only shows how many people like, but we cant text the other person at all... So i met a few guys, but from all of the guys, i only went out with this one guy, im using his initials as 'F'.. we went out and all, but i dont see that he really wants to find a jodoh, because up till now we are just friends, and he will only text me up, when he thinks of food. For him im a food lover that's all.. and so i dicided to delete the account. (Foodie)

And so, i stop doing this finding a JODOH thingy, because i thought i want to do my masters studies. I went to work as usual, and with the scholarship that i was going to get.. But as i was focusing my studies and quit my job, suddenly i felt lonely, i pray to ALLAH, i cried and ask for forgiveness for what i was feeling. I was envy to see my friends sorang sorang getting married, some updated about their babies, and my cousin getting married this November 2013, it really gets into my nerves until i cant even study, i said to myself, "Hey, why am i feeling like i have no life?!" So for a few months of focusing study, couldnt even get to focus. So i decided to talked to my parents, ALHAMDULILLAH they understand, i stop doing study and wanted so badly to start work and insyaALLAH my soulmate are somewhere out there. hehehe....
A month of not working, i did freelance in designing and printing, i sell baby things, beauty stuffs, and fashion stuffs for woman. Just to make myself busy doing work or something, i send my resume to almost 10 companies, but have not received any interviews or news till now. All of my work used a lot of my time in front of the laptop, with no doubt of course i will always open my On one fine day, i browse facebook a page called "Cari Jodoh Malaysia". For days, i look at it, and see people's profile and i ask the admin name 'N'. She said you have to pay RM10 and isi soalan soalan given by her. I remembered i have RM10 at my maybank. So i immediately bank in and answers all of the infos needed, only this time i dont feel hesitate but i was excited. I gave my picture to the admin.
The day admin put my picture and profile on the site, suddenly my quite day, turns out to be very busy, rushing in of guys wants to add me at facebook and wechat... It got into pretty scarry mode during that time, so i decided, when i really have time, i will take a look at one by one. Because there are so many msg's and all.. it started that day from 0 to 400++ people wants to add me. I laughed and sighed, how am i going to do this. This is not fun at all, when i try to think about it.. I said to myself, "you can do it nadirah, do this slowly, you have time.." I do chat with some, i do add some and MOST i deleted.. I was looking for the RIGHT MAN.. The one that suits my personality and criteria. ( browse here if you want to know my criteria of husband to be hehe... :) my wishlist of 2009. hehehe

And i made a few friends, but some i dont like it, they will talk to me with the way of judging sometimes and some are a bit controlling. So once i was tired of Wechat guys, i delete my Wechat and go back to old Wechat, and i start browsing facebook friend requests.. total up from 400++ to 1000 people add... but i deleted MOST.. Actually i felt guilty of deleting most of them because these guys made an effort to add me, but i must find the right guy, the guy that have "Husband to Be" quality.. I dont want to be treated like old times, for me i must dig up all infos before i approve them..

For weeks, i manage to delete most and kept 10 people who i think might have the potential. But as time pass by, and knowing these guys while analyzing them, i think i found the 1, but i dont know yet what to come... because ALLAH knows best.. Life is not always easy.. And from time to time, as all my family members knowing the things im doing now, a lot of disagreement and advices was given to me. My cousins and aunts and uncles, thinks that what i am doing looks like im desperate and showing to guys saying im single i want a soulmate is like menjual diri sendiri, dah macam tak de harga diri. Actually, i was not desperate at all.. I entered this, thinking, i should do something, hence with my line of work, i dont meet people that often and with no social life, pergi keje siang balik keje siang, keje 12 hours or more.. This is the only way for me to get to know people.. But im not mad or get angry with what my family said, because my parents are ok with what im doing, and they support me and i take the advices given to me as a part of langkah berjaga-jaga...

With all of the guys im friends now, i tried not to get excited, i tried not to have perasaan mengharap sesuatu, i was trying to see who can make me feel happy, who really wants me, who have the courage to do something... But so far i found 1 who do all of that.. But i have to remember myself, you have to not put high hopes so much, the 1 i found might be not the 1 soulmate.. But he is a really nice guy, always made me smile.. Eventhough we havent met.. But i put all of this to ALLAH.. because i know whatever im doing now is because of HIM.. ALLAH yang Esa.. Kalau betul itu adalah jodoh dira, ALLAH telah kabulkan doa dira selama ini.. I have deleted my profile at CJM... 

*Malam Istikhara*
Goodnight.... Salam.. :)