Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Daily Routine (This is my life)

Salam / Hi Friends, 
Recently, dira open a status saying, if you have a questions anything about me.. I would like to share about me with you guys.. So far so good, i receive a few of good questions and some i would feel that is not relevant for me to answer them hehehe.... :)

I love one question asking, WHAT ARE MY DAILY ROUTINES?...

Ouh well, for a person to keep the same daily routines, it would be a bit boring.. You have to fill your life with things to do.. Dont get bored with life or you look older faster hehehe... Always keep a smile and be happy with life with people you love (parents, siblings, cousins, babies or friends).. And i can assure even you are 27 (that would be my exact age now) you look like 17 years old (bwahaha, some people said) see, you look like 10 years younger if you keep up smiling ouh wowwww!! hehehe isn't that amazing lalalalala....

Ok... Right now dira is still un-employed, maybe after i got back from my holidays i would be ready to work again.. So, my daily routines start with Solat Subuh, i woke up, go to the toilet and brush my teeth and wash my face (Sabun Beras jew, i dont use expensive face wash, because the minute i wore them nanti keluar pimples, nak play safe i use sabun beras je, heeee).. ok, then dira ambil air wuduk and solat subuh.. Pastu either kemas katil or trus bangun or baring and snuggle in the blanket or pegi buat breakfast (but recently i've been texting with this someone hehe, before doing all those) and then i get and go the gym or swimming workout.. That would be my morning routines...

In the afternoon and evening, if weekdays,  i sits at home do some internet business, read books, cook, wash clothes or went out with my mum or sister.. If weekends, is either go out with my cousins or my parents, at home cooking, watch TV, movies DVD, wash clothes, tidying up the house or read books).. Sometimes i love art i would do doodle on paper or on my face.. (like in the images) and sometimes i like to take pictures.. This is why you need to create your life exciting.. For me exciting, satisfying is singing.. I love to sing so much, tapi sebagai perempuan Islam dont be artist (dosa tau).. Dira tawu i have my pasts, last time i was with a band, i was in the R&B singing group, i went to lots of singing and vocal competition in the universities. But i stop publicly singing when i wore my hijab on.. So i sing at home, in the car or in the toilet (while taking my bath) bwahahaha... and dont forget, kita diwajibkan solat, so zohor for afternoon and evening for solat asar.. heee

Let me tell you about the doodle i make up here, this is actually for my birthday, i made it myself.. you can see the word "My Birthday", "14 February 1986", Cupcakes, A Cake, A candle, Love, Flowers, "I love U".. This was made for my 26th Years Old celebration.. hehe
Ok, get back to my story, at night, after solat maghrib i can be hanging out or karaoke with my cousins, or family gathering (weekends), movies, read books, dinner, and so on.. 
You guys com'on, i have normal life like everybody does.. nothing is so different with any other normal people do hehehe.. If i was working, my life is really devoted to my work.. My working hours, usually 8.30am till 6pm (but most of the time i have to do overtime, so i would either go back at 10pm or 12am.. Working with the printing industry, 24 hours production runs, extra work time always need to be consider.. i'm not too sure what will happen if i get married.. then i need to find a job that are relevant to the time to my husband and kids.. That is something to be discuss once i have a job and once i have a husband hehehe....
Ouh well this is all from me.. i cherish my time with everybody i love... and basically i love everybody hehehe..

So whatever you do in life, live your life to the fullest.. 
Spend with people you love is so worth it.. Stay healthy because u want to spend with people you love a bit more longer... Keep doing exercise and eat right.. Love you guys.. xoxo

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