Saturday, October 5, 2013

ALLAH LOVES YOU MORE (This is my hijab story)

Salam / Hi Friends,
Nadirah feels very happy to share with you guys about my story.. The story when i know ALLAH truly loves us and helps us whenever we lost our life sense of direction.. I'm bless with family and cousins to help me up and being so supportive.. Always remember we must love ALLAH SWT first and then our parents and family, and then the rest list go on.. But never stop feeling LOVE..

A friend ask me, "Nadirah how did you change? When did the hidayah comes to you"
Truthfully, i had my passed stories, i was a spoiledbrat that sometimes i do bad things behind people, behind my parents and i tell lies a lot of times.. I did it to make myself feel good.. I think the influeces of friends i followed who made me do all that, so that i could join them.. I never thought of ALLAH that time, my heart feels dark inside but people see bright outside.. That is why my mum said, "Kakak have her own world, sometimes i dont know what is she thinking about".. (i was a very quiet girl during my teen times, i dont share things with my mum, but i always share my stories to my friends and cousin nabie, yaya and yah)..

I started to change when, i was with my ex boyfriend 'Gg'.. I didn't change because of him, but i change to wear my hijab because of ALLAH... Before bulan ramadhan tahun 2010, dira started to have dreams, i was dreaming about 'THE JUDGEMENT DAY'.. The day when 'Permulaan Hari Kiamat', the feeling of it, was very scary. In the dream, i was with my family, as we were somewhere i can't remember where but we were having a family time together. Suddenly, the world shaking, the floor starts to break, suddenly the wind was breezy, and suddenly i saw a tornado pulling out all houses, cars, animals, people and almost everything and that is where at that point i see my family was drag into the air, i shouted and crying and was very scared i wanted to save myself but i know this is real. As i was in the tornado, i saw volcanos and fire and hot air coming out from the ground. It happen so fast, and i said to myself, "Sudahkah aku bertaubat, boleh ke ALLAH terima apa yang aku sudah buat selama ni, boleh ke aku masuk syurga, amalan ku cukup atau tidak?" 

and i immediately WOKE UP....!! i was shaking, my heart was pumping really fast and i stop and think, what did i just gona thru just now?? so it was subuh already, so i took air wuduk and solat subuh.. and ask, "Ya ALLAH what have just happen? are you showing me a sign that i need to start changing myself?"

The next night, i slept and dreamed again, and this time the same thing happen.... I still ask what should i do.. "What am i going to do ALLAH??"

The next night, dira slept and dreamed, i was somewhere in Australia, i don't know why i was there, but i am there at that time. As i was walking at this park, i saw a bridge, i saw fire, so i walked and i wanted to see why everybody was there, what are they doing?... i runnnnn and stopppp.. i saw all this Mat Salleh, throwing Al-Quran Nul Karim was burned, throwing on the floor and i saw a translation quran, i said to myself, "WHAT ARE THEY DOING? Aku tak sempat nak paham ayat ayat dalam quran, ruginye apa dorang ni buat?" The fire was beginning to be more bigger and bigger.. i was in shocked and i wanted to cry and i felt so mad.. "I want that Quran!!"
but then i immediately WAKE UP...!! terus ambil wuduk and solat taubat..
I kept all this to myself, until i told my friend, i want to change.. She said that is good, Alhamdulillah, starting bulan Ramadhan, i start wearing tudung to office. People asking, why nadirah wear the tudung.. My Chinese boss said, why?? i said, "It's already my time to change, ALLAH gave me hidayah to change, and i am sticking with it"..

Dugaan banyak aku tempuhi semasa pakai tudung, at that time my bf secrets reveal, messages about me and my family, the betrayal he did to us and the all lies he said to me behind me and my family's back.. i thanked to ALLAH for letting one of his ex gf to text me and said, "You need to read his texts with his kakak ipar".. That story you can actually read it here, ( But that is done between us, my money dia hutang and kipas my mum with him, my father ask me to halalkan je semua, because my father said, tak baik kita ungkit benda tu, yang lepas biarkan dah lepas.. hehehe.. (Wise dad)

But then i know, i am bless that ALLAH really wants me to change.. May ALLAH grant me paradise, but im so faraway to see it, but i'll try make a better person for my future di dunia and akhirat... My first hijab, my cousins was suprised to see my picture and they said ALHAMDULILLAH.. My first hijab, i don't wore it properly, still can see my dada, still can see my hands (tidak tutup aurat betul betul) and still nampak kaki.. But i make sure i will not feel bored wearing hijab.. I start create my own style so that i feel much more comfortable with what i am wearing.. I start to love skirts and vintage dresses that i bought at kedai tepi tepi kat tesco, giant or pre love items at fashion bazzar.. Price a dress from RM5 to RM25.. (One good thing about me is that, i love to wear inexpensive dresses that look fashionable and expensive)

One of my cousin, loves to advice me on wearing hijab and the right way to cover aurat, what is correct and what is not, i went to ceramah events about "Menutup Aurat Sebenar" and from there i learn, i read books, i love to see muslimah fashions and all.. From time to time i progress and i keep creating my own style of hijab and clothing.. I do have followers and i do sometimes give consultation to people who wants to start wearing hijab and dont know how to style it especially girls with curves and nowadays, my cousin is selling hijabs so we do sometimes discuss on how do i wore my hijab and i'll be her model at the same time hehehe.. pretty awesome actually.. 

Vintage dresses beli at the price from RM5-RM25

I have one good advice...
If you have lots of problems before, you feel negatives at everything, you were being naughty and couldn't feel any luck at anything!! Try and see yourself in the mirror, look at you, what can you see something wrong in front there? are u a good person or are u a bad person? Ask yourself.. Keep asking and asking.. ALLAH will be there to answer it, ALLAH can show you the right way to take, but you have to trust HIM.. 

The first step to feel great, feel positive and have lucks in wanting something is to CHANGE how you present to ALLAH.. Not to people, society and not to a guy.. When the first step is done, eventually your heart will feel good, try and LOVE yourself then... The second step is to, not forgotten ALLAH, always make sure you do 5 times prayer everyday, WAJIB tau.. hehe If you could try, berpuasa sunat tu pun bagus, because it will purify your heart and you will learn to be more patient and more humble.. If you do all this, you will sure be a much better person.. When you encounter problems, depress or loneliness, dont keep it to yourself, go and share it with ALLAH, your mum, dad, cousin or bestfriend. You might get more advices and you'll learn more from them.. They might said good things that you can think about and eventually the feeling would be clear and you be HAPPY!! hehehe..

InsyaALLAH, every single thing you did in your passed, you will understand and it is always Ujian dari ALLAH.. And insyaALLAH rezeki pun bertambah, semua orang pun senang dengan kita and kawan kawan pun suke kita.. hehehe

BERHIJAB AND MENUTUP AURAT TIDAK AKAN NAMPAKKAN KITA TUA, LAGI NAMPAK MUDA, LAGI NAMPAK AYU and MANIS hehehe You have to love what you wear and know how to style it in a correct MUSLIMAH ISLAM.. (I said this because a lot of girls i consult, they dont have confidence and they said dengan chubby figures and pakai tudung nampakkan dorang mcm makcik makcik) Alaaaa jangan cakap macam tu... Belum cuba belom tawu.. Dira dah cube and orang kata dira nampak muda hehehe :) so dira doakan semua adik adik, kakak kakak and abang abang.. Kalau korang rasa rezeki tak sampai sampai lagi, cuba tengok diri korang, apa silapnye disitu, dah dapat jawapan cuba betolkan diri and tawakal pada ALLAH.. ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH.. ALLAH MAHA MENYAYANGI, ALLAH MAHA ESA.. Doa dan minta laa petunjuk.. 

Ok itu lah ceritanya kisah silam and kisah hijab dira...
Hope dira dapat membantu you guys out there... Terjawab laa soalan rakan kita nieh hehe :)
Happy Weekends... 

PS : Girls, pakai tudung tutup laaa dada kamo, pakai socks and lengan panjang (ikot laaa cara ni, selagi masih boleh nampak kaki kamo and tangan / bahu, belom lagi tutup aurat sebenar, if u want to change make it right with progress) May ALLAH bless all of you.. :)


  1. Dira, terharu akak baca kisah Dira ni. Let's join our support group,

  2. Alhamdulillah sis Awin... InsyaALLAH dira join... kalau support kena buat aoa sis? heee :)
