Sunday, February 16, 2014

My 28th Birthday Story

Assalammualaikum WBT,

Today, nadirah nak cerita kisah hari kelahiran nadirah yang ke 28 tahun di dunia ciptaan ALLAH SWT ini.. Cerita bermula seminggu sebelum 14 februari 2014... Sebelum dira ke cerita dira, let me brief you on my birthdate.. 

Nama sebenar Nur Nadirah, i was born in Johor, Johor Bahru on the 14th February 1986, it was on Friday, i am the eldest in my family, mum was 26 years old when she have me.. i am the first daughter from Mior Shariffuddin and Mohaini Yusof.. Such a loving father and mother.. i am bless with two awesome parents.. Alhamdulillah...

(Nadirah dalam hidup have plan out, umur 26 tahun aku dah kahwen, tetapi that did not work out, jadi nadirah buat birthday 26 tahun seperti orang nak kawen, it was at the park of my house with cute theme, with lots of candy buffet, ada games, music, family and friends. I even hired photographers.. dira buat card invitation myself... i was single after a breakup from Gg)

(After 26 years old plan not workout, nadirah plan out, 14 february 2014 will be the best day.. hoping someone would melamar nadirah atau nadirah nikah on that day ke atau ada orang datang rumah.. hehehe)

I did du'a may ALLAH SWT bless my plans and hoping insyaALLAH it would plan out well.. Seperti ayat yang kita selalu dengar "We plan but ALLAH SWT is the best planner of all".. Only ALLAH SWT will know what's best for us... Only ALLAH SWT will grant us with the best plan of all..

10th February 2014 - 13 February 2014
Nadirah, was hoping untuk dia say something.. But i guess i waited for nothing and i was hoping for something but he just kept quiet.. So nadirah was a bit of devastated.. I always have faith in ALLAH SWT, so when i feel down that whole week of my coming birthday, i always pray and make du'a may ALLAH always keep me away from feeling so sad, because all i want was to feel happy and feel bless of all the things i have in life and be grateful to be born as a muslim.. So i tried to not think about it too much...Days and Days of that birth day coming up soon... I guess my 2nd plan for my life did not work out from what i expected.. (No Worries)

Luckily, i have bestfriends to accompany me, as soon as my friend balik from her honeymoon at cameron highlands, she straight away came to office and gives me a bouquet of flowers and strawberries.. i was so happy.. i got my first present.. 

14 February 2014
I Love this day... It was a bless Jumaat.. If you see 1986 calender, i was born the same day same moon.. Alhamdulillah i feel so grateful to be born on that day.. MasyaALLAH.. It was like my re born day.. Hari yang terbaik untuk berhijrah, bulan purnama.. SubhanaALLAH.. Nadirah pula dapat berpuasa hari ni.. Hari yang penuh dengan keberkatan, dira banyakkan berzikir, dan berdoa...

Woke up, sahur puasa sunat jumaat and bulan purnama then dira mandi, solat and siap... Pergi bilik mak and bak, and kiss and salam both and say I LOVE YOU mak and bak.. and head to office..

That day, everything was SWEET... i have sweetest birthday, I love my first birthday wish from him.. My heart pump up fast whenever he text me.. but because he was keeping so quiet the whole 2 weeks before my birthday, when suddenly he texted i felt like crying.. 

Selepas tu, member buat prank msg.. terus nadirah freak out.. terkejut member dira lari dari whatssap group after they said they want to " BALING TELUR AND TEPUNG" dah laaa nadirah pakai baju cantik nak celebrate birthday malam tu, tak bawak baju spare pun... hehehe kelaka sebab takot, nadirah terus keluar from the group.. then few minutes after that they add me back hahahha FUNNEYH laaa dorang... I love them..

Mell call, "Dira datang laa depan kejapp, kejappp jew" me, "tak nakkkkk!! nanti korang baling telor and tepung" Mell kata, "tak laaa dira, tu main main je, kejap je meh laaa" me, "OK!"

Aloolooolooo mel sweet jew, buatkan poster of me for my birthday.. Thank you Cayank Mel...

The whole day dekat office.. and everything went well.. 

Before balik keje, me and my best friends we had our photoshoots for my birthday..
Selepas pulang dari office, immediately i drove up to Setia City Mall, it was actually my second time to go there, but i just dont understand it why i can get lost sampai jumpe tempat sangat GELAP!! SORANG SORANG!! It was pretty scary tapi ALHAMDULILLAH nothing happen.. Sampai sahaja Mall aku baca "rabbi yaasir wala tu'assir, Rabbi tammin bil khair" tips untuk dapat parking... ALhamdulillah dapat parking and terus masuk mall pegi solat maghrib.. naseb baik sempat solat setelah lewat dengan traffic jam dan sesat..

Selepas solat maghrib.. nadirah ke Tony Roma's, bak belanja makan heeee :) How sweet...

Makan sedap laaa nampak nya, ALHAMDULILLAH, rezeki bersama keluarga itu yang penting, x kesah pun makan kat dimana-mana.. I love them...

Nadirah pulang ke rumah dengan perasaan bersyukur, walaupun impian dira tak tercapai seperti apa yang dira mahu, tapi dira tahu ALLAH SWT lagi mengetahui apa yang terbaik buat nadirah... dira selalu berfikir positive in life and always be grateful with everything.

Sepanjang bulan februari ini... nadirah bless with a lot of birthday wishes, life wishes, du'a wishes and presents.. 

1st : From Azuani - strawberris and bunga roses
2nd : From Shia - shawl LOVE LOVE LOVE pink color
3rd : From Mel - poster nadirah happy birthday
4th : From Hafiz - sunblock
5th : From Excard - voucher photobook 40% OFF
6th : From Mak and Bak - Tony Roma's Beef Ribs and thermos office
7th : From Nabihah - Shawl from Sugarscarf and Lunch together
8th : From Yaya - Handbag Pink
9th : From Faris - Birthday Card and orange Shawl
10th : From Aizol - Birthday Card, Key to his heart and silver necklace with a heart shape locket
11th : From Kak Siti - Glittering Turqoise Shawl
12th : From Abg Zamri, Kak Siti and kak Yusz - Birthday Cake and Food



Thank you ALLAH SWT for blessing with this.. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU ALLAH...

My du'a for this year was, to always be grateful will everything ALLAH SWT granted me with.. and hoping to get married this year.. insyaALLAH.. AMIN AMIN AMIN...

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